Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary James!

To the Man who Makes Me Laugh on a Daily basis
To The Man who Never is a lack for knowledge of the rarest forms
To the Man who lets me be as Bitey and Smackey as I want
To the Man Who lets me be whiny and needy as much as I want

8 years ago today we met and both agreed it was love at first sight

3 years ago today we decided to say I Do

It hasn't been the best year for us but we have made it through!
Happy 8 year together, 3 year married Anniversary to my Lover*, Soulmate* and Rock!

Forever and Always
not the two week kind either

*- My Mother hates those phrases and told us at our wedding if we used them that she would kill us both. Well we did and she didn't BUT the nicknames have stuck as a joke :) Gotta Love it!!

1 comment:

Frumpy Love