Monday, March 8, 2010

Disney Mommies ( and Lou)

I had a whole post to write about these Amazing Mommies (and Lou) that I got the pleasure of spending time with at Disney Social Media Mom’s Conference and Celebration but I don’t really want to share my memories because I am afraid if I do they wont mean as much as they do now! I know that is selfish but….. that’s how I feel! These Ladies (and Lou) have touched me in a place in my heart that I know I will hold close to me forever and ever! They have picked me up from a low point and showed me that I am somebody and I am worth something! I love you Mommies (and Lou) You have no idea what you mean to me!!!!!! Please click on their links to learn more about them! They are amazing people and I am so lucky to have them in my life!

Lynne- @Lynne_From_Texa

Amanda- @AmandaTinney

Jen- @DizneyDreamer

Traci- @TraciLeigh

Lou- @LouMongello

Jackie- @jjzmgailey

JL- @NDM_1

Debbie- @DCanoli

Maria- @HeavenSent30

Not Pictured:

Suzanna- @ZannaLand


  1. Love the post! And love you!!!

  2. Aww, not pictured - it's like having the classroom globe as your picture in the yearbook! ;) I wish I'd been with you all that day but am glad we got to hang a bit more this weekend (and Lou too) can't wait for the next time!

  3. aww, ' make my heart smile ;)


    Just catching up on all your blog posts! Loved the last 3! But, NOT playing truth or dare! ;)

  5. Love you too, sweetie! :)

    (and I miss you!!!!)

  6. Great meeting you ladies (Lou was the luckiest guy in Epcot that day, my friends...) and thank you for joining me on the show!

    And don't worry... I haven't forgotten that I have a date with all of you on Main Street, USA for some popcorn! :)

    Hope to see you all again soon!


Frumpy Love