YEP THATS RIGHT KIDDIES!!! I went and saw The Ellen Show taped at Universal (BOKE) and it was a blast!!! Let me back up a bit!!!
My Friend and former Universal Orlando Resort Co Worker Kelly B sent me a FB message saying that Ellen was taping at UO and that she was applying for tickets and wanted to know if I wanted to go with her! I said sure and I would apply too and whoever got tickets would take the other one! so I applied for the maximum 4 tickets and didn't think anything else about it. Kelly FBed me about a week later FREAKING out cuz she got tickets!!! OH EM GEEEEEE!!!! HOW FUCKING COOL!!!!
I love Ellen. While I dont watch her show every day I am a huge fan and she is the kind of person I would want to be friends with! She just seems so cool and fun and genuinely loves her job! And I LOVE that she gets Star Struck when her fave people come on the show!!!
Ok so the plan was we had to be at Universal to check in by 9 for the taping to start at 12noon BUT Kelly and I aren't dumb and knew that the earlier that we were there the better it would be! So we got to Universal around 7am on Sunday and lined up outside of The Groove in City Walk. The line was long and there were maybe 50-75 people ahead of us. Kelly didn't tell me till that morning that we only had Stand By tickets so it wasn't a guarantee that we would get int but I had faith on my wrist (love You Thaddeus) that we would get it! I grabbed us some Starbucks to hold us over while we were in line and we caught up. She filled me in on some Harry Potter Gossip and Guest Services/ticket sales gossip of who still works there that I know and stuff. It was fun! We met up with 3 other people Miss Debbie Lynn and Miss M and her Hubby and waited patiently! We got to the front of the line and presented our paper and IN WE WENT!!!! YES THAT IS RIGHT KIDS!! I HAD A TICKET IN MY HAND TO SEE ELLEN!!!
Thats Me!!! With my Ellen Ticket!!!
and There is my hommie Kelly With her Ticket!!! We screamed like little girls! lolI'm just going to throw up my pictures and then comment under them because I don't have the patience to separate them all out in order! TOO MUCH WORK!
Rascall Flatts Doing Sound Check from the back! They were the Musical Guest for the 3pm Taping

Check 1, 2.....

Good Sounds though :)

this many people were ahead of us!

The Rif Raf Room inside The Groove :)

We snuck down to get some better pictures of Rascall Flatts

Totally not my thing but people were going APE SHIT

THis was where I was sitting! 2nd to LAST ROW... lol... oh well because at least I had TICKETS!

being hearded into the seating area. The music stage was behind us

All 500+ of us shoved into the Groove while they called us in groups of 50 to be sat.. it was a NIGHTMARE!!! Hot and Smelly and just ick

Everyone outside the Groove Waiting to be herded BACK INTO the Groove... lol

Ellen came right past us dancing and then danced with me for.02 seconds! I am PRAYING it makes it into the episode today!!

These Cheerleaders were adorable! had chants and stuff!

Ellen's Stunt Double :) when you see the beginning of the episode you will see what i mean

the HORRID game they had people playing! Oye...

USHER!!!! Such a hottie :) love him!!!!

They didn't get one but they got ^5s!!!!

Paige was repping Orlando on Amiercan Idol and she sang and I was pretty impressed!

the stage was behind us for Usher's performance

the last row of chairs was the row behind us! lol... thats how far back we were!

Me and Miss Debbi Lynn!! We danced and sang and had a grand old time!!!!!
So we didn't get any swag from Ellen and we were VERY Far away from both stages but damn did I have a lot of fun! I got to see Usher and Sharon Osbourne and Portia who is BEAUTIFUL and Ellen who is so much fun and super adorable! I saw a TON of people that I used to work with at the Evil UO.... and have plans on writing a few blogs about that stuff :) I cant wait to see if I made the cut for the show! Even if I didn't I had an amazing time!!